Marketing your retreat, how we can assist
Dear Gymea Retreat Host,
Once you have booked and confirmed your retreat with us it’s time for you to turn your attention to booking your caterers and marketing your retreat at Gymea Retreat, and the good news is that we would be delighted to assist you in getting the word out about your retreat.
All we would ask is that you provide us with ALL the appropriate content in an easy to use form so that we can assist you with marketing your retreat…. Please be aware that this is currently an unpaid value-add service that we offer to our clients which has proved to help retreat hosts to get some great exposure for their retreats. All we would ask for in exchange is that you make the process for us to assist you in marketing your retreat easeful…  Easeful is word that means a combination of easy and graceful 🙂
Our main Marketing Channels
As you may be aware, we have 3 main avenues that we use share information about beautiful retreats like yours, these are:-
- website:-  ~1,600 – 1,800 unique visitors per month
- facebook:- gymeaecoretreatspa  ~5,000(+) followers
- instagram:- gymearetreat ~2,000(+) followers
We spend quite a deal of time with each of these channels to share relevant content to our various followers, and we notice good results when we post good content.
- Work out which channel will work best for you? Website? Facebook? Instagram or all 3
- Write-up and design some great descriptive content of your retreat. Here is a list of important content to think about:-
- Name of retreat
- Duration (no. of nights/days) / Dates of retreat
- Retreat description
- Define who the retreat is designed for (e.g. people seeking relaxation and heartfelt connection)
- Sample programme
- Description of the type of food they might expect?
- Price with inclusions / exclusions
- Customer testimonials
- Some great photos
- A short video can be very useful too
- Please create the content in a form that is easy for us to post to our marketing channels
Gymea Retreat Website
Please create a Microsoft Word or Google Docs document that looks like the webpage you would like to see on our website. Then please send the document though to us and we will post it on our site under the Retreats & Events  tab. We will also put it on our Retreat Menu
What I’m suggesting here is that you create a clear, vibrant and unique page that we can upload to our site that is all about your retreat. You need to use great content (words, pictures and video) AND links to your main retreat advertising page. Google and everyone else loves this kind of thing and if we do this well, then its very likely that traffic to your primary site will be improved and more people will hear about your stunning retreat. Everything is based on engaging content, not sign boards.
Gymea Retreat Facebook Page
Create a Facebook Event making Gymea Eco Retreat & Spa on Facebook, 128 Bonnydoon Rd, Uki NSW 2484 the location of your retreat… Once you’ve done that, send us:-
- a link to your event, or better still, nominate us as a co-host and your event will appear on our events page automatically.
- a nice photo of yours or one of ours for us to use
- and a bit of a blurb about your retreat and we will happily post away
Boosting your Facebook Event
If you wanting to get additional exposure for your retreat Facebook requires that your pay them money to provide ‘extra’ exposure to an audience that your define. In our experience if done well this can definitely help get additional exposure and bookings for your retreat…
If you decide to boost your Facebook event you need to consider:-
- How much you want to boost – e.g. $50 – $100?
- Timing / duration of boost (we suggest you consider when you want to finish the boost), and sometimes it can help to let the ‘last minute bookers’ and sometimes your demographic like to book well in advance…. Only you can work that out….
- You can also determine what demographics you are after?
- g. Women aged between 24 – 70
- located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast…
- interested in …
- Payment:- You pay us for the boost, as in this instance we are doing the boost on our Facebook Page. We simply invoice you for the amount you agree (no mark-ups).
Gymea Retreat Instagram Page
We find that if you create visual content (beautiful photos and videos) to bring awareness of aspects of your retreat, you can simply tag us @gymearetreat on instagram and we can repost via Gymea’s Instagram page. If you’ve got tonnes of words, then I think you can PM the words too us… We are newer in the Instagram world and haven’t done any paid Ads yet…
So, that’s about it. Now you know as much about marketing as I do ? Hopefully this was helpful? Please let me know….?