Love Out Loud Retreat, 13 – 16 June

Are you ready?

Somewhere between your 6th drink on a Friday night, or 6th Tinder date this month, the mundane evening ritual of watching The Bachelor, or 12th visit to the water cooler at work, you’ve realised that life could be a little more fulfilling. (hopefully). Maybe not. (either way no judgment). But, maybe you’re so used to the way things are, you’re not even aware of how much better they can be.

A question that radically changed my life was this; would you give up something good, for something incredible?Mediocrity had always been a long-standing fear of mine; the idea of settling or becoming complacent and not really doing anything about it; was what constructed my nightmares – but this question put something into perspective for me – even when you have it good, it can always be better.

The idea of living a FUCK yes life. Are you living one?

When you wake up every day are you jumping out of bed screaming; YEAH! Another day!

Are you so filled with gratitude and excitement that there seems to be that sheen on everything you look at or that notion of everything you’re touching turning to gold? Maybe you haven’t been told yet, so brace yourself;


There’s a brilliance and energy inside of you that is equipped to bring anything you wish to life; however, you need to be able to see beyond the existing paradigm that restricts your vision. Through connecting to love, we become expansive. Through giving ourselves time to re-centre, re-balance and return to health, we are able to see life in a far more expansive light. We will achieve this together at the Love Out Loud retreat. With a team of remarkable practitioners, facilitators and collaborators, we are going to guide you each step of the way to break down the fears, limitations, restricted ideologies, dormant belief systems and fully activate your heart’s intelligence.

I cannot wait to see you there,
Nicole xo


Whats Explored

The retreat will provide you with 4 days and 3 nights to completely focus on your inner world.
There is a strong emphasis on embodiment work to ensure the content is integrated on a deep level, with a brilliant team of collaborators from ecstatic dance, yoga, naturopathy, hypnotherapy and more.


Modules & Guiding Questions

Module 1: BELIEF: What are you really searching for you?
Module 2: HONESTY: What is it you truly want?
Module 3: ACCEPTANCE: What terrifies you about letting go of who you think you are?
Module 4: DEATH: What are you willing to die for?
Module 5: PURPOSE: How does love rise up in you?
Module 6: CREATIVITY: How will you birth you purpose into the world?
Module 7: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: How can you alchemise your pain into beauty?
Module 8: GRATITUDE: How can love become your ultimate perspective?
Module 9: SERVICE: What is your quest?


Embodiment Sessions

Somatic Breathwork
Ecstatic dance
Sound healing
Yoga and yogic philosophy


Who’s the retreat for?

  • Those who are ready to fully commit to a personal development journey
  • People who struggle to “get out of their head” and into their heart
  • Empaths who often find themselves fatigued or depleted because of the amount they give to others
  • Those generally seeking more balance in their life
  • Men who feel confined by cultures of masculinity
  • People who have a deep sense that there is ‘more to life’
  • Those looking for more meaning, harmony, health and balance

Retreat Q&A

Submit Your Application!

Click here to submit your application and place your deposit to secure your spot!



Early Bird Pricing –  ends March 31

One of payment of $1595   OR

3 x instalments of $550


Standard Pricing – after March 31

One of payment of $1950   OR

3 x instalments of $700


In order to secure your placement, a deposit of $150 is required and is deducted from the total price.



Nicole Gibson doesn’t just tell you to be the love you seek she gives you the guidelines to achieve it. Nicole has turned her personal struggles into her strengths defying death and diversity to bridge the gap left by most self help philosophies. Her transparency and vulnerability to share her challenges that lead to her breakthroughs will resonate with every reader. Her passion and purpose to heal a nation hurting and bring clarity to the mental health system is nothing short of courageous. Love Out Loud is your way back to love of self to love others.       Kim McDonnel, Author of You Change, They Change ~ How To Take Control of Your Life by Losing Control Over Others.

I’ve found something very inspiring and solidifying in this work. A dear friend guaranteed me I would LOVE your book and she was SO right. You speak is my language. Literally, at least for the first half of the book, I was shedding tears of joy and resonance to your shared word. I’ve likened your book as my ‘new bible’, up there in terms of foundational books like A New Earth, The Power of Vulnerability and the mind-bending lectures of Alan Watts. I’ve encouraged ‘strongly (with love)’ to at least a dozen people to read your book. I’ll be buying as many as I can afford as gifts this Christmas. I want you to know your shared words in this book is having a reach beyond your wildest dreams. I vote YOU as our next PM.    Danielle Simone


Nicole Gibson

In Australia I’m known as a multi-award winning social entrepreneur, but I prefer to see myself as an unstoppable messenger of love and human potential. Join me on my mission to gain collective participation in conversations that offer new possibility and new vision; let’s turn up the love.  I’m a fierce ambassador for mental health, innovation and connection after recovering from my own terrifying lived experience with anorexia nervosa through my teenage years, and working with 250 000 people internationally.