Powerful Speaking Retreat
Is this you?
You’re a woman who means business. You want your work to matter. You want to lead with heart, and work in a way that’s aligned with your purpose, values and integrity.
You understand that owning what you say and do is the key to having maximum impact. You know that if you could unlock the door to innate self-confidence, you’d be unstoppable.
Ordinary public speaking courses haven’t worked for you. They may have even left you feeling less confident than you were when you started. Or perhaps they gave you a few tools and techniques that helped you fake it until you make it. But you haven’t cracked what it takes to stand up in front of a group of people and truly own that stage, let alone your intelligence and wisdom, and what you stand for.
You want to be a powerful speaker. A powerful leader. You want to own what you say and and do.
The big question is: How to do it?
And, how to do it in a way that’s not only comfortable for you, but even enjoyable – and gets powerful results?
The Powerful Speaking Retreat is your gateway. Please, step inside.
This is a residential retreat, limited to 21 women.
We’ll cover powerful public speaking, so you can unlock genuine confidence, and learn how to inspire, captivate and motivate any audience. The retreat covers everything I include in the Powerful Speaking Intensive.
I want you to know, this is not an ordinary public speaking course. If you haven’t already heard about the Powerful Speaking Intensive, please click this link and do it now. Then come back to this page.
During the Powerful Speaking Retreat, you will:
- Identify and develop your core message. This is the foundation of any presentation you make in the future, and your brand
- Move past fear, nervousness, stress and anxiety
- Discover your power and unprecedented levels of confidence that will impact in so many communication situations, not just public speaking
- Discover strengths you didn’t know you had as a speaker
- Discover the place within that innately knows how to speak with presence, clarity, charisma and ease
- Access the power of your voice
- Understand and honour the gifts you are here to share and how they inform your speaking
- Get a deeper sense of your purpose
- Discover and appreciate the stories that will have maximum impact and move your audiences
- Learn how to tell stories to captivate your audiences
- Hook your audiences from your very first word
- Learn how to relax and access your power zone before a talk
- Learn how to be natural on stage
- Ditch the script by learning an easy way of putting together a presentation that is structured and still allows for spontaneity. You can use this structure every time you need to deliver an engaging presentation
- Discover how to sound like an authentic, powerful leader
You will put together everything you learn and present a 12-15 minute Ted-style talk to the group.
You’ll discover what it’s like to hold an audience in the palm of your hand.
You’ll feel your anxiety about public speaking dissolve as you align with your message, values, and the stories you’re here to tell.
You’ll redefine your relationship with your own power.
Imagine what it would be like to feel genuinely confident – and excited – about standing up to speak to an audience. Imagine what it would be like to be yourself and not worry about faking it until you make it. Imagine the freedom of standing up, speaking, and owning it.
The Powerful Speaking Retreat is your gateway.
Ready to say yes to yourself?
Book Now or visit Tricia’s site