Travelling by Air to Gymea Eco Retreat & Spa:
The closest airport to Gymea Eco Retreat & Spa is the Gold Coast Airport, and this is 46km from Gymea Eco Retreat & Spa (40-45 minute drive). Other airports that can be used are Brisbane Airport, which is 153km from Gymea (2 hours drive) or Ballina Airport, which is 82km from Gymea (1¼ hours drive)
From Gold Coast Airport:
Gold Coast / Coolangatta Airport, Gold Coast is by far the easiest and closest airport to the Retreat Centre. It is about 46km, and the trip generally takes 40 – 45 minutes; we recommend you allow yourself at least an hour to do the trip, as there may be road works, an accident or you may simply end up getting lost. Also, the Tweed Valley is simply stunning, I still remember the first time we drove South from the Gold Coast and I saw the Tweed Valley, the huge Tweed River, Wollumbin (Mt Warning) and the lushness of the Valley, it was simply beautiful, and it’s really wonderful to enjoy the lush scenery of the area without rushing and getting stressed out…
There are 3 main options to consider when travelling from Gold Coast or Coolangatta Airport, Gold Coast to the Retreat Centre,
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